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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Access, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)等
[1]Lin Z, Gan J, Qian Q, Huang F*, Zhang X, Zhang T, Liu W. Developing a novel Gaussian process model predictive controller to improve the energy efficiency and tracking accuracy of the pressure servo control system[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 417: 138057.(SCI,中科院一区,IF: 11.1)
[2]Lin Z, Zhuang J, Li Y, Wu X*, Luo S, Fernandes G D, Huang F, Yang Z. GelFinger: a novel visual-tactile sensor with multi-angle tactile image stitching[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023, 8(9): 5982-5989.(SCI,中科院二区,IF: 5.2)
[3]Lin Z, Liu W, Gan J, Lu J, Huang F*, Wu X, Wang W.An automatic calibration method for the field of view aberration in a Risley-prism-based image sensor[J]. Sensors,2023, 23(18): 7777. //doi.org/10.3390/s23187777(SCI,中科院二区,IF: 3.9)
[4]Lin Z, Wang W, Li Y, Zhang X, Zhang T, Wang H, Wu X, Huang F*. Design and experimental study of a novel semi-physical unmanned-aerial-vehicle simulation platform for optical-flow-based navigation[J]. Aerospace, 2023, 10(2): 183.(SCI,中科院二区,IF: 2.6)
[5]Lin Z*, Xie Q, Qian Q, Zhang T, Zhang J, Zhuang J, Wang W. A real-time realization method for the pneumatic positioning system of the industrial automated production line using low-cost on–off valves[J]. Actuators, 2021, 10(10): 260.(SCI,中科院四区,IF: 2.5)
[6]Lin Z, Wei Q*, Ji R, Huang X, Yuan Y, Zhao Z. An electro-pneumatic force tracking system using fuzzy logic based volume flow control[J].Energies, 2019, 12(20): 4011.(SCI,中科院三区,IF: 2.7)
[7]Lin Z, Zhang T*, Xie Q, Wei Q. Intelligent electro-pneumatic position tracking system using improved mode-switching sliding control with fuzzy nonlinear gain[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 34462-34476.(SCI,中科院二区,IF: 4.1)
[8]Lin Z, Zhang T*, Xie Q, Wei Q. Electro-pneumatic position tracking control system based on an intelligent phase-change PWM strategy[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2018, 40(11): 512.(SCI,中科院四区,IF: 1.7)
[9]Lin Z, Zhang T*, Xie Q. Intelligent real-time pressure tracking system using a novel hybrid control scheme[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(13): 3744-3759.(SCI,中科院四区,IF: 2.0)
[10] Zhang X,Lin Z, Li J, Zhang T*. Pneumatic pressure control based on improved NMPC and its application to aeroengine surge simulation[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2023. 36(4): 468-485.(SCI,中科院一区,IF: 5.7)
[11] Yuan Y, Zhang T*,Lin Z, Zhao Z, Zhang X. Actuator fault tolerant control of variable cycle engine using sliding mode control scheme[J]. Actuators, 2021, 10(2): 24.(SCI,中科院四区,IF: 2.5)
[12]Yuan Y, Zhang T*,Lin Z, Zhang J. An investigation into factors determining the metering performance of a fuel control unit in an aero engine[J]. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2020, 71: 101672.(SCI,中科院三区,IF:2.0)
[13] Wei Y, Zhang T*,Lin Z, Xie Q, Zhang Y. Detection method of combustion oscillation characteristics under strong noise background[J]. Mechanics & Industry, 2020, 21(6): 612.(SCI,中科院四区,IF: 0.9)
[14] Gomes D F,Lin Z, Luo S*. Blocks World of Touch: Exploiting the advantages of all-around finger sensing in robot grasping[J]. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020, 7: 541661.
[15]吴衔誉,庄嘉权,林忠麟*,黄峰,杨铮.用于缺陷检测的指尖型大面积光学式触觉传感器设计与性能研究[J].仪器仪表学报, 2023,44(02): 164-174.(EI)
[16]黄峰,王威雄,林忠麟*,吴衔誉,庄嘉权.新型结构的四旋翼无人机视觉导航半物理仿真平台设计及试验研究[J].兵工学报, 2023.(EI)
[18]林忠麟,张天宏*,谢琦.面向航空仿真激励的气压调控系统研究[J].航空科学技术, 2018, 29(12): 73-78.
[20]谢琦,林忠麟,张天宏*.基于四开关阀错时调制的气动位置控制系统研究[J].液压气动与密封, 2019, 39(5): 19-25.(核心期刊)
[1]Lin Z, Zhuang J, Li Y, Wu X*, Luo S, Fernandes G D, Huang F, Yang Z. GelFinger: a novel visual-tactile sensor with multi-angle tactile image stitching[C]. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Yokohama, Japan: IEEE, 2024.(EI)
[2] Gomes D F,Lin Z, Luo S*. GelTip: A finger-shaped optical tactile sensor for robotic manipulation [C]. 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA: IEEE, 2020: 9903-9909.(EI)
[3] Gomes D F,Lin Z, Luo S*. Exploiting touch sensing around fingers[C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) workshop "ViTac 2020: Closing the Perception-Action Loop with Vision and Tactile Sensing", Paris, France, 2020: 1-2.
[4]林忠麟,张天宏*.基于双DDS的高逼真度转速信号模拟器[C].中国航空学会第十七届航空发动机自动控制专业学术交流会,长春,中国:中国航空学会航空发动机自动控制专业委员会, 2014:940-944.
[1]林忠麟,嵇润民,韦青燕,张天宏,黄向华.基于开关阀体积流量拟合模块的气缸输出力伺服控制系统[P]. 2020-5-5,中国, ZL201910407498.6.
[2]林忠麟,谢琦,张天宏,黄向华.基于高速开关阀气压平衡调控策略的敏捷位置控制系统和方法[P]. 2019-8-2,中国, ZL201710975273.1.
[3]谢琦,林忠麟,黄向华,张天宏.基于四开关阀同开策略的气动位置控制系统[P]. 2020-2-21,中国, ZL201710889216.1.
[4]张天宏,林忠麟,王逸维,黄向华.基于错时调制的开关阀实现气压细分的控制系统[P]. 2017-3-1,中国,ZL201510175269.8.
[5]张天宏,林忠麟,黄向华.基于双DDS的高逼真度转速信号模拟器[P]. 2016-9-14,中国, ZL201410147408.1.
[6]吴衔誉,庄嘉权,林忠麟,王威雄,谢琦,徐志翔,黄峰.基于ARM密集多路步进电机控制系统的信号和电源隔离系统[P]. 2023-7-18,中国,ZL202111059985.1.
[7]黄峰,王威雄,林忠麟,庄嘉权,吴衔誉.一种橡胶切粒系统及其控制方法[P]. 2022-11-11,中国,ZL202110840299.1.
[1]林忠麟,刘文超,甘锦裕,黄峰,王舒.多孔径同步采集与回放系统.2022-8-15,中国, 2022SR1129304.