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  • 十三水

    刘 明

    性 别 :男


    系 别:机械设计系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:教授/博士生导师

  • 详细资料



    电子邮箱:[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]



    2009/08-2012/12,肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky,美国),化工与材料工程十三水 ,博士

    2007/08-2009/07,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程十三水 ,硕士

    2003/08-2007/07,哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程十三水 ,本科

    2015/04-至今,福州大学,十三水 ,教授

    2014/04-2015/04,华盛顿州立大学(Washington State University,美国),机械与材料工程十三水 ,博士后

    2013/01-2013/12,法国巴黎高科矿业工程师学校材料研究所(Center des matériaux, Mines ParisTech, France),博士后








    7)期刊《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering》编委









    1)国家自然科学基金(51705082),表面微观形貌和局部倾斜对压印和划痕测量的影响研究,2018.01- 2020.12,主持





    1.Ming Liu*, Qiang Zheng and Chenghui Gao, Sliding of a diamond sphere on fused silica under ramping load, Materials Today Communications 25 (2020) 101684.

    2.Ming Liu*, Shenghan Yang and Chenghui Gao, Scratch behavior of polycarbonate by Rockwell C diamond indenter under progressive loading,Polymer Testing, 90 (20200) 106643.

    3.Ming Liu*, Taolin Ren and Chenghui Gao, Correspondence relationship between the maximum tensile stress and cycle number during the initial stage of low-cycle fatigue test, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Accepted, Article reference JTE-2020-0087.

    4.Dong Zhang, Yuan Sun, Chenghui Gao, Ming Liu*, Measurement of fracture toughness of copper via constant-load microscratch with a spherical indenter,Wear 444-445 (2020) 203158.

    5.Ming Liu*, Jianan Wu, Chenghui Gao, Sliding of a diamond sphere on K9 glass under progressive load,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 526 (2019) 119711.

    6.Chenghui Gao, Taolin Ren* and Ming Liu*, Low-cycle fatigue characteristics of Cr18Mn18N0.6 austenitic steel under strain controlled condition at 100 °C,International Journal of Fatigue 118 (2019) 35-43.

    7.Chenghui Gao and Ming Liu*, Effects of normal load on the coefficient of friction by microscratch test of copper with a spherical indenter,Tribology Letters 67 (8) (2019)

    8.Chenghui Gao and Ming Liu*, Effect of sample tilt on measurement of friction coefficient by constant-load scratch testing of copper with a spherical indenter,Journal of Testing and Evaluation, doi:10.1520/JTE20180719

    9.Chenghui Gao, Henry Proudhon* and Ming Liu*, Three-dimensional finite element analysis of shallow indentation of rough strain-hardening surface,Friction7 (2019) 587-602

    10.Chenghui Gao, Ligang Yao and Ming Liu*, Measurement of sample tilt by residual imprint morphology of Berkovich indenter,Journal of Testing and Evaluation, doi:10.1520/JTE20180136

    11.Chenghui Gao and Ming Liu*, Characterization of spherical indenter with fused silica under small deformation by Hertzian relation and Oliver and Pharr’s method,Vacuum 153 (2018) 82-90.

    12.Chenghui Gao, Ligang Yao and Ming Liu*, Berkovich nanoindentation of borosilicate K9 glass,Optical Engineering 57 (3) 034104 (2018)

    13.Chenghui Gao and Ming Liu*, Instrumented indentation of fused silica by Berkovich indenter,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 476 (2017) 151-160.

    14.Chenghui Gao, Ligang Yao, Rongye Zheng and Ming Liu*, Effect of sample tilt on spherical indentation of an elastic solid,Journal of Testing and Evaluation 47 (2020) 2596-2612, doi:10.1520/JTE20170579

    15.Chenghui Gao and Ming Liu*, Power law creep of polycarbonate by Berkovich nanoindentation,Materials Research Express 4 (2017) 105302.

    16.Ming Liu, Chenghui Gao and Fuqian Yang, Analysis of diffusion-induced delamination of an elastic-perfectly plastic film on a deformable substrate under potensiostatic operation,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 25 (2017) 665019 (20pp).

    17.Ming Liu* and Henry Proudhon, Finite element analysis of contact deformation regimes of an elastic-power plastic hardening sinusoidal asperity,Mechanics of Materials (103) 2016 78-86.

    18.Ming Liu*, Finite element analysis of lithiation-induced decohesion of a silicon thin film adhesively bonded to a rigid substrate under potentiostatic operation,International Journal of Solids and Structures 67-68 (2015)263-271.

    19.Ming Liu*, Finite element analysis of lithium insertion-induced expansion of a silicon thin film on a rigid substrate under potentiostatic operation,Journal of Power Sources 257 (2015) 760-768.

    20.Ming Liu*, Finite element analysis of large contact deformation of an elastic-plastic sinusoidal asperity and a rigid flat,International Journal of Solids and Structures 51(2014) 3642-3652.

    21.Ming Liu* and Henry Proudhon, Finite element analysis of frictionless contact between a sinusoidal asperity and a rigid plane: elastic and initially plastic deformations,Mechanics of Materials 77 (2014)125-141.

    22.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Indentation-induced interface decohesion between a piezoelectric film and an elastic substrate,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014) 1863-1873.

    23.Ming Liu*, Finite element analysis of effects of mechanical properties on indentation-induced interfacial delamination,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014) 1697-1706.

    24.Fuqian Yang and Ming Liu, Analysis for the indentation with a flat indenter on an elastic-perfectly plastic thin film,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11 (2014) 265-271.

    25.Guangfeng Zhao, Ming Liu, Zhinan An, Yang Ren, Peter K. Liaw and Fuqian Yang, Electromechanical responses of Cu strips,Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 183521.

    26.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Orientation effect on the Boussinesq indentation of a transversely isotropic piezoelectric material,International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (2013) 2542-2547.

    27.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Three dimensional finite element simulation of the Berkovich indentation of a transversely isotropic piezoelectric material: effect of material orientation,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21 (2013) 045014.

    28.Cheng Deng, Ming Liu and Pal Molian, Nanodiamond powder compaction via laser shockwaves: Experiments and finite element analysis,Powder Technology 239 (2013) 36-46.

    29.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Effect of crystal orientation on piezoelectric response of single-crystal piezoelectric layers,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 9 (2012) 2062-2067.

    30.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Finite element simulation of the effect of electric boundary conditions on the spherical indentation of transversely isotropic piezoelectric films,Smart Materials and Structures 21 (2012) 105020 (10pp).

    31.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Finite element analysis of the indentation-induced delamination of bi-layer structures,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 9 (2012) 851-858.

    32.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Finite element analysis of the spherical indentation of transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (2012) 045019 (15pp).

    33.Guangfeng Zhao, Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, The effect of an electric current on the nanoindentation behavior of tin,Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 3773-3782.

    34.Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, Finite element analysis of current-induced thermal stress in a conducting sphere,Journal of Electronic Materials 41 (2012) 352-361.

















    2、杨胜寒,本科毕业于合肥工业大学,机械电子工程学术型硕士,2020年毕业,论文题目《面约束式光固化成型中的剥离力控制研究》,外审成绩:良、良,答辩成绩:良,发表文章:(1)Ming Liu*, Shenghan Yang and Chenghui Gao, Scratch behavior of polycarbonate by Rockwell C diamond indenter under progressive loading, Polymer Testing, 90 (20200) 106643;(2)刘明*,杨胜寒,高诚辉,基于水平集方法的划痕形貌表面视觉测量,仪器仪表学报,2020年2月第41卷第2期184-194,毕业去向:三一重能(长沙),联系方式:QQ 170220037

    3、黄承馨,本科毕业于福建农林大学,机械工程全日制专业学位硕士,2020年毕业,论文题目《试样倾斜对球形压头微米划痕测试铜及其合金的影响研究》,外审成绩:优、良,答辩成绩:优秀,发表文章:(1)刘明*,黄承馨,高诚辉,试样倾斜和正压力对球形压头微米划痕测试紫铜的影响,摩擦学学报,已录用(2020047);(2)刘明*,黄承馨,高诚辉,试样倾斜对球形压头微米划痕测试紫铜摩擦系数的影响,计量学报,已录用,毕业去向:三一重机(昆山),联系方式:QQ 814737901