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2)国际期刊(CompositepartB, Aerospace Science and Technology等)审稿人
1)国家自然科学基金:多向功能梯度细长微结构后屈曲复杂动力学特性研究(No.12002088),2021.01- 2023.12,结题,主持
2)福建省自然科学基金:多向功能梯度自旋柱壳热力耦合复杂动力学特性(No. 2020J05103) 2020.8-2023.8,结题,主持
[1.]Xin Xue, R.W., Fang Wu, Yunlingzi Xiong, Guojian Shen, andXiaochao Chen(通讯), Vibrational Power Flow Analysis for the Sandwich Cylindrical Shell Structure with a Metal–Rubber Core in the Thermal Environment.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2023.Publishing.
[2.]Chen, X., Y. Lu, Z. Wu, Y. Shao, X. Xue, and Y. Wu, Free vibration of in-plane bi-directional functionally graded materials rectangular plates with geometric imperfections and general elastic restraints.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023.132:108045.
[3.]Zhang, R., H. Bai, andX. Chen(通讯), The Consistent Couple Stress Theory-Based Vibration and Post-Buckling Analysis of Bi-directional Functionally Graded Microbeam.Symmetry, 2022.14(3):602.
[4.]Wu, Y.-W., Y. Tang, S.-Z. Li, H. Cheng, X.-C. Chen(通讯), and H.-B. Bai, Experimental study on the mechanical properties and impact behaviors of entangled metallic wire material under repeated low-velocity impacts.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022:1-11.
[5.]Wu, Y., Y. Tang, Z. Qin, X. Chen(通讯), and H. Bai, Experimental and Numerical Research on a Pipe Element Passing through Bulkhead with Symmetrical Elastic Installation.Symmetry, 2022.14(3):453.
[6.]Li, X., W.T. Jiang, and X.C. Chen(通讯), Parametric Instability of Rotating Functionally Graded Graphene Reinforced Truncated Conical Shells Subjected to Both Mechanical and Thermal Loading Conditions.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2022.22(06).
[7.]Li, X., X.C. Chen(通讯), and W.T. Jiang, Dynamic stability of graded graphene reinforced truncated conical shells under both periodic spinning speeds and axial loads considering thermal effects.Engineering Structures, 2022.256:113963.
[8.]Li, M.,X.C. Chen, X.P. Chang, Y. Qin, and Y.H. Li, General analytical solution for vibrations of pipes with arbitrary discontinuities and generalized boundary condition on Pasternak foundation.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022.162.
[9.]Chen, X., S. Huang, B. Zhu, R. Wu, and Z. Ren, A domain decomposition method based vibration analysis of BDFGs imperfect beams with arbitrary boundary conditions.Composite Structures, 2022.284:115115.
[10.]任志英,方荣政,陈小超(通讯),沈亮量,白鸿柏, and林有希,基于虚拟制备的金属橡胶各向异性本构特性研究.机械工程学报, 2022.57(24):211-222.
[11.]Zhu, B., X.C. Chen, Y. Guo, and Y.H. Li, Static and dynamic characteristics of the post-buckling of fluid-conveying porous functionally graded pipes with geometric imperfections.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021.189.
[12.]Zhang, X.L., X.C. Chen, M. Li, Y.H. Li, and J. Xu, Thermal post-buckling analyses of magneto-electro-elastic laminated beams via generalized differential quadrature method.Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021.119:2-6.
[13.]Wu, J.Q., L.T. Chen, R.X. Wu, and X.C. Chen(通讯), Nonlinear Forced Vibration of Bidirectional Functionally Graded Porous Material Beam.Shock and Vibration, 2021.2021.
[14.]Li, X., W.T. Jiang, X.C. Chen, and Z.H. Zhou, Nonlinear forced vibration of rotating composite laminated cylindrical shells under hygrothermal environment.Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences, 2021.76(9):769-786.
[15.]Chen, X.C., L.T. Chen, and Y.X. Lu, Imperfection sensitivity of nonlinear primary resonance behavior in bi-directional functionally graded porous material beam.Composite Structures, 2021.271.
[16.]Chen, X., L. Chen, S. Huang, M. Li, and X. Li, Nonlinear forced vibration of in-plane bi-directional functionally graded materials rectangular plate with global and localized geometrical imperfections.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021.93(C):443-466.
[17.]Xue, X., S.X. Ruan, H.B. Bai, X.C. Chen, Y.C. Shao, and C.H. Lu, An enhanced constitutive model for the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the elastic-porous metal rubber.Mechanics of Materials, 2020.148.
[18.]Lu, Y.X. and X.C. Chen(通讯), Nonlinear Parametric Dynamics of Bidirectional Functionally Graded Beams.Shock and Vibration, 2020.2020.
[19.]Li, M., Q. Xu, X.C. Chen, X.L. Zhang, and Y.H. Li, Modeling and modal analysis of non-uniform multi-span oil-conveying pipes with elastic foundations and attachments.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020.88:661-675.
[20.]Zhu, B., X. Chen, Y. Dong, and Y. Li, Stability analysis of cantilever carbon nanotubes subjected to partially distributed tangential force and viscoelastic foundation.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019.73(SEP.):190-209.
[21.]Zhang, X.L., X.C. Chen, E. Yang, H.F. Li, J.B. Liu, and Y.H. Li, Closed-form solutions for vibrations of a magneto-electro-elastic beam with variable cross section by means of Green's functions.Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, 2019.30(1):82-99.
[22.]XC, C., Z. XL, L. YX, and L. YH, Static and dynamic analysis of the postbuckling of bi-directional functionally graded material microbeams.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019.151:424-443.
[23.]Li, H., F. Pang, Y. Ren, X. Miao, and K. Ye, Free vibration characteristics of functionally graded porous spherical shell with general boundary conditions by using first-order shear deformation theory.Thin-Walled Structures, 2019.144:106331.
[24.]Chen, X., Y. Lu, B. Zhu, X. Zhang, and Y. Li, Nonlinear resonant behaviors of bi-directional functionally graded material microbeams: One-/two-parameter bifurcation analyses.Composite Structures, 2019.223:110896.
[25.]Chen, X., Y. Lu, and Y. Li, Free vibration, buckling and dynamic stability of bi-directional FG microbeam with a variable length scale parameter embedded in elastic medium.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019.67(MAR.):430-448.
[26.]Chen, X. and Y. Li, Size-dependent post-buckling behaviors of geometrically imperfect microbeams.Mechanics Research Communications, 2018.88:25-33.
[27.]陈小超,毛崎波, and薛晓理,基于广义函数空间的不连续梁振动分析.应用数学和力学, 2014.35(1):11.
[28.]陈小超,毛崎波, and薛晓理,轴向力作用不连续梁自由振动的广义函数解.固体力学学报, 2014.35(3):6.
[29.]陈小超and毛崎波,应用移动质量法与分形维数实现梁损伤检测.噪声与振动控制, 2014.34(3):5.
[30.]Mao, Q. and X. Chen, Application of adomian decomposition method to free vibration analysis of multi-cracked beams.2013.