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  • 十三水


    性 别 :女


    系 别:机械设计系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:副教授/硕士生导师

  • 详细资料


    通讯地址:福建省福州市福州地区大学新区学园路2号 邮编:350116

    电子邮箱:[email protected]


    张晓丹,女,福建省引进生,现为十三水-十三水下载 校聘副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为固体力学、有限元仿真、异质结构金属和深度学习的医学应用等。近年来,在《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《International Journal of Fatigue》、《International Journal of Plasticity》、《Acta Materialia》、《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》等期刊上发表论文 13余篇;软件著作权1项。参与过医工交叉基金项目“增强磁敏感加权成像在非小细胞肺癌脑转移瘤的疗效及预后评估中的应用价值”,参与国家重点实验室项目“基于3D打印技术的精准仿生骨软骨支架的一体化设计与制备”等相关项目。


    2024/08-至今,福州大学,十三水 ,副教授

    2019/09-2024/06,上海交通大学,机械与动力工程十三水 ,机械工程,博士

    2015/09-2019/06,武汉大学,动力与十三水 ,机械设计及其自动化,学士






    1) 福州大学引进人员科研启动项目“低温下3D打印不锈钢的变形机理及晶体塑性模型研究”,在研,主持


    1. 学术论文:

    1. Zhang X, Li S, Guo X, Wang H, et al. Effects of Texture and Twinning on the Torsional Behavior of Magnesium Alloy Solid Rod: A Crystal Plasticity Approach in Comparison with Uniaxial Tension/Compression [J], International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 191:106062. (SCI, IF=7.3 ,一区)

    2. Zhang X, Zhou K, Wang H, et al. On the Cyclic Torsion Behavior of Extruded AZ61A Magnesium Alloy Tube [J], International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 174: 107704. (SCI, IF=6.0,一区)

    3. Wang H,Zhang X, Wu W, et al. On the Torsional and Coupled Torsion-Tension/Compression Behavior of a Magnesium Alloy Solid Rod: A Crystal Plasticity Evaluation [J], International Journal of Plasticity, 2022, 151(3):103213. (SCI, IF=9.800 ,一区)

    4. Du R,Zhang X, Wang H, et al. A Revised Chaboche Model from Multiscale Approach to Predict the Cyclic Behavior of Type 316 Stainless Steel at Room Temperature [J], International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 167:107303. (SCI, IF=6.0,一区)

    5. Zhou KC,Zhang X, Liu RX, et al. Mechanical responses and deformation mechanisms in the AZ31 magnesium alloy during cyclic bending [J], International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 275(1):109314. (SCI, IF=7.3 ,一区)

    6. Lam T, Chin H,Zhang X, et al. Tensile Overload-Induced Texture Effects on the Fatigue Resistance of a CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy [J], Acta Materialia, 2023, 245(15):118585. (SCI, IF=9.4,一区)

    7. He Q,Zhang X, Qiao H, et al. Modeling the Effect of Pre-straining on Mechanical Behavior of Magnesium Alloy Sheet [J], Applied Physics A, 2021, 127(8):615.(SCI, IF=2.983,四区)

    8. Zhang X, Yu Q, Wang H. Numerical Study of Multiaxial Loading Behavior of Mg Alloy AZ31 Extruded Bar. TMS 2021 150st Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, Anaheim, USA, 2021. (A类国际会议)

    9. Zhang X, Yu Q, Wang H. On the Mechanical Behaviors of Extruded AZ61A Magnesium Alloy Tube under Cyclic Torsion. TMS 2022 151st Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, Anaheim, USA, Feb 27-Mar 03, 2022. (A类国际会议)

    10. Zhou K, Sun X, Wang H,Zhang X, et al. Texture-Dependent Bending Behaviors of Extruded AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Plates [J], Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, Available online. (SCI, IF=17.6,一区)

    11. He Q, Zhou X,Zhang X, et al. Internal Elastic Strains of AZ31B Plate during Unloading at Twinning-Active Region [J], Metals, 2023, 13(8):1388. (SCI, IF=2.9,三区)

    12. Liu CH, Xie D, Gao YF,Zhang X, et al. Precipitation-strengthened micromechanical behaviors of magnesium alloy under cyclic loading [J]. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2024, accept. (SCI, IF=17.6,一区)

    13. Sun XC, Zhou KC, Liu CH,Zhang X, et al. A Crystal Plasticity Based Strain Rate Dependent Model across An Ultra-wide Range [J].International Journal of Plasticity, 2024,180: 104056. (SCI, IF=9.800 ,一区)

    2. 软件著作权:

    [1] 汪华苗,张晓丹,孙霄川等.多尺度集成晶体塑性仿真软件:中国, 2022SR0045963 [P]. 2022-01-07.


    担任《Metals》、《Applied Physics A》等期刊审稿人。
