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  • 十三水


    性 别 :男


    系 别:车辆工程系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:教授(校聘)/博士生导师

  • 详细资料


    电子邮箱:[email protected];[email protected]


    2012/03-至今,福州大学,十三水 ,讲师、副教授/教授(校聘)




    担任国家自然科学基金同行评审专家,以及担任国内高水平期刊《中国公路学报》及《Applied Energy》《Energy Conversion and Management》《Energy》《IEEETransactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》和《Proc. IMechE. Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering》国际知名学术期刊同行评审。



















    (1)Sun Dongye,Lin Xinyou, Qin Datong and Deng Tao. Power-Balancing Instantaneous Optimization Control Strategy for a Novel Series-parallel Hybrid Electric Bus,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012,25(6): 1161-1170, SCI.

    (2)Lin Xinyou,Zhou Binhao, Xia Yutian. Online Recursive Power Management Strategy based on the Reinforcement Learning Algorithm with Cosine Similarity and a Forgetting Factor,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021,68(6):5013-5023.(SCI中科院一区,国际顶级期刊,影响因子:7.7)

    (3)Lin Xinyou,Zhou Kuncheng, Mo Liping and Li Hailin. Intelligent Energy Management Strategy Based on an Improved Reinforcement Learning Algorithm With Exploration Factor for a Plug-in PHEV,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2022,23(7):8725-8735.(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:8.5)

    (4)Lin Xinyou,Tang Yunliang and Zhou Binhao.Improved Model Predictive Control Path Tracking Strategy Based an Online UpdatingAlgorithm With Cosine Similarity and a Horizon Factor,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2022, 23(8):12429-12437(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:8.5)

    (5)Lin Xinyou,Xu Xinhao, Wang Zhaorui.Deep Q-learning network based trip pattern adaptive battery longevity-conscious strategy of plug-in fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle,Applied Energy, 2022, 321:119378.(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:11.2)

    (6)Lin Xinyou, Wei S., and Wu J. The Tradeoff Power Distribution Strategy Based On the Ga-Pareto for a Dual-Motor Coupling-Propulsion Electric Vehicle.ASME.J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control,2022, 144: 061003

    (7)Lin Xinyou, Li Y., Zhang G.,Bi-objective optimization strategy of energy consumption and shift shock based driving cycle-aware bias coefficients for a novel dual-motor electric vehicle,Energy, 2022, 249:123596. (中科院一区,影响因子:9)

    (8)LinXinyou, Wu Jiayun and Wei Yimin. An ensemble learning velocity prediction-based energy management strategy for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle considering driving pattern adaptive reference SOC,Energy, 2021, 234: 121308(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:9)

    (9)LinXinyou, Zeng Songrong and Li Xuefan. Online Correction Predictive Energy ManagementStrategy using the Q-learning based Swarm Optimization with Fuzzy Neural Network,Energy, 2021,223:120071.(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:9)

    (10)Lin Xinyou,XiaYutian,Huang Wei and Li Hailin.Trip distance adaptive power prediction control strategy optimization for a plug-in fuel cell electric vehicle,Energy,2021, 224:120232.(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:9)

    (11)Lin Xinyou,Li Kuiliang, Wang liming. A driving-style-oriented adaptive control strategy based PSO-fuzzy expert algorithm for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,Expert Systems With Applications, 2022, 201:117236.(SCI中科院一区,影响因子:8.5)

    (12)Lin Xinyou, Xu Xinhao, Lin Haibo. Predictive-ECMS based degradation protective control strategy for a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle considering uphill condition.eTransportation, 2022,12:100168.(影响因子:11.9)

    (13)Lin Xinyou, Zhang Guangji and Wei Shenshen. Velocity prediction using Markov Chain combined with driving pattern recognition and applied to Dual-Motor Electric Vehicle energy consumption evaluation,Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 101:106998.(影响因子:8.7)

    (14)Lin Xinyou, Lin Zhili and Wei Shenshen. Multi-objective optimized driving strategy of dual-motor EVs using NSGA-II as a case study and comparison of various intelligent algorithms,Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 111:107684.(影响因子:8.7)

    (15)Lin Xinyou, Wang Zhaorui, Zeng Songrong, et al., Real-time optimization strategy by using sequence quadratic programming with multivariate nonlinear regression for a fuel cell electric vehicle,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2021, 46(21): 13240-13251.(影响因子:7.2)

    (16)Lin Xinyou,LiXuefan, Shen Ying and Li Hailin. Charge depleting range dynamic strategy with power feedback considering fuel-cell degradation,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 80:345-365.(影响因子:5)

    (17)Lin Xinyou,Li Yalong and Xia Bin. An online driver behavior adaptive shift strategy for two-speed AMT electric vehicle based on dynamic corrected factor,Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021, 48:101598.(影响因子:7.632)

    (18)Lin Xinyou, Tang Yunliang, Ren Jin and Wei Yimin. State of charge estimation with the adaptive unscented Kalman filter based on an accurate equivalent circuit model,Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 41:102840.(影响因子:9.4)

    (19)Lin Xinyou, Zhang Jiajin. Battery aging-aware energy management strategy with dual-state feedback for improving life cycle economy by using multi-neural networks learning algorithm.Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 46:103890.(影响因子:9.4)

    (20)Lin Xinyou,Zhang Jiajin,Su Lian.A trip distance adaptive real-time optimal energy management strategy for a plug-in hybrid vehicle integrated driving condition prediction,Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 52(Part C):105055.(影响因子:9.4)

    (21)Lin Xinyou,Zhou KC and Li Hailin. All-electric Range Adaptive Control Strategy via Energy Prediction for Plug-in HEV.IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019,13(12):1822-1831.

    (22)Lin Xinyou,Hailin Li.Adaptive control strategy extracted from dynamic programming and combined with driving pattern recognition for SPHEB,International Journal of Automotive Technology,2019, 20(5):1009-1022.

    (23)Lin Xinyou,Feng QG,Mo LP and Li HL . Optimal adaptation equivalent factor of energy management strategy for plug-in CVT HEV.Proc IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233(4): 877-889.

    (24)Lin Xinyou, Wang ZR and Wu JY.Energy management strategy based on velocityprediction using back propagation neural networkfor a plug-in fuel cell electric vehicle.Int J EnergyRes. 2021, 45:2629–2643

    (25)Lin Xinyou, Zhang GJ, Wei SS and Yin YL. Energy consumption estimation model for dual-motor electric vehicles based on multiple linear regression,Int J Green Energy,2020, 17(8): 488-500.

    (26)Wei Qi, YJ Li, Hailin Li, Scott W. Wayne andXinyou Lin. The development and numerical verification of a compromised real time optimal control algorithm for hybrid electric vehicle.Journal of Power Sources, 443 (2019): 227272.

    (27)Lin Xinyou, Zhai LQ and Lin HB. Investigation of Real-time Adaptive Energy Management Strategy for a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus.IntJElectric and Hybrid Vehicles, 2016, 8(3): 195-212.












    (39)林歆悠,叶常青,苏炼.基于Pareto的电池容量衰退权衡优化控制策略,工程科学学报,2022, 44(11):1988-1997.






















    (4)2020年度福州大学十三水 “林泽权教书育人奖教金”;







