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  • 十三水


    性 别 :男


    系 别:机械设计系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:教授/博士生导师

  • 详细资料


    通讯地址:福建省福州大学旗山校区十三水 金属橡胶工程研究中心,邮编:350116

    电子邮箱:[email protected]

    ORCID: 0000-0001-8021-6685


    2021-至今,福州大学十三水 ,金属橡胶与振动噪声研究所副所长,教授(破格)

    2016-2021,福州大学十三水 ,金属橡胶工程研究中心副主任,助理教授/副教授

    2016/08-2016/12,葡萄牙阿威罗大学,机械工程十三水 TEMA研究所,博士后

    2011-2013,葡萄牙阿威罗大学,机械工程十三水 GAME科研团队,助理研究员



    2013-2016,葡萄牙阿威罗大学,机械工程十三水 ,博士

    2005-2008,华南理工大学,机械与汽车工程十三水 ,硕士

    2001-2005,北方工业大学,机电工程十三水 ,本科













    6.福州大学海外旗山学者科研启动基金,《复杂应变路径下的高强度钢板弹塑性力学行为》,0020-650425,2017.05- 2020.04(结题)

    7.葡萄牙科学与技术基金委FCT博士后基金项目,《多尺度分析和改善异种轻量化金属结构焊接扭曲变形》(Multi-scale analysis and mitigation of welding-induced distortion in dissimilar lightweight metal structures),SFRH/BPD/114823/2016(结题)










    4.欧盟与葡萄牙科学与技术基金委FCT联合项目,《先进高强度钢板复杂产品成形过程中扭转回弹的建模与控制》(Modeling and control of twist springback for complex advanced high strength steel sheet products),编号(PTDC/EMS-TEC/0777/2012),2013.07 - 2015.10,(博士论文依托课题)

    5.葡萄牙阿威罗大学校企合作项目,《高强6xxx系列铝合金多分流孔热挤压设计和优化》(Multi porthole hot extrusion design and optimization of 6xxx aluminum alloys),合作企业:国际知名工业设计公司Bi-silque,2013.09 - 2015.06(结题)

    6.葡萄牙阿威罗大学校企合作项目,《新型电动车复杂型面铝管零件绕弯成形中的扭曲变形控制》(Rotary draw bending process optimization of aluminum alloy thin-walled tube and application on a frame of one new electrical vehicle),合作企业:法国雷诺RENAULT汽车公司,2012.09 - 2014.06(结题)



    1.Chao Zheng, Jun Wu, Mangong Zhang, Xin Xue*. Impact response and energy absorption of metallic buffer with entangled wire mesh damper. Defence Technology, 2024.//doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2023.12.008

    2.XinXue, Feng Hu, Yuhan Wei, Yunlingzi Xiong, Mangong Zhang, Juan Liao*. Analysis of heat transfer characteristics of sandwich cylindrical shell with an aerogel-metal-rubber composite core. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2024, 197, 108796.

    3.Xin Xue, Guojian Shen, Juan Liao*. Thermodynamic property of sandwich cylindrical shell structure with metallic wire mesh: Numerical modeling and experimental analysis. ChineseJournal of Aeronautics,2024, 37(1): 138–152

    4.Xin Xue, Chao Zheng, Fuqiang Lai*, Xueqian Wu*. Mechanical property of cylindrical sandwich shell with gradient core of entangled wire mesh. Defence Technology, 2024, 31:510-522.

    5.Xin Xue, Congcong Lin, Yuhan Wei, Yunlingzi Xiong, Mangong Zhang, Yichuan Shao*, Juan Liao*. Thermo-mechanical characteristics of a sandwich cylindrical shell with entangled metallic wire mesh: Numerical and experimental analysis. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2024, 26, 2301661.

    6.魏雨函,曾 琴,白鸿柏,薛 新*.多材复合高温基线密封件的研究进展[J].复合材料学报,2023年12月录用,网络发表(EI)

    7.邹路明,郑 超,任子林,赵旭,薛新*.金属橡胶阻尼三向减振器力学特性与环境效应.机械科学与技术,2023录用,网络首发10.13433/j.cnki.1003-8728.20230015


    8.Fuqiang Lai, Anqiong Hu, Yiwan Wu, Hongbai Bai, and Xin Xue*. Mechanical property and failure mechanism of metal rubber/ZA8 composite made by squeeze casting process.Advanced Engineering Materials. 2023, 2301256.

    9.Xin Xue, Yunlingzi Xiong, Fang Wu, Ruixian Wu, NiuniuLiu*. Analysis of heat transfer characteristics of a sandwich cylindrical shell with a metal-rubber core. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 230, 120764.

    10.YuhanWei, Yilin Chen, Feng Hu, Xin Xue*. Effect of temperature and thermal cycles on the mechanical behavior of sandwich structure with entangled metallic wire mesh. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023 187,110750.

    11.JuanLiao, Mengmeng Tian, Xin Xue*. Interface property of dissimilar Ti–6Al–4V/AA1050 composite laminate made by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion and heat treatment. Defence Technology, 2023, In press. doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2023.05.008.

    12.Xin Xue, Ruixian Wu, Fang Wu, Yunlingzi Xiong, Guojian Shen and Xiaochao Chen*. Vibrational power flow analysis for the sandwich cylindrical shell structure with a metal-rubber core in the thermal environment. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2023, 2371002.

    13.Xiaochao Chen, Yixin Lu, Zhangbin Wu, Yichuan Shao, Xin Xue, Yiwan Wu. Free vibration of in-plane bi-directional functionally graded materials rectangular plates with geometric imperfections and general elastic restraints. Aerospace Science & Technology, 2023, 132, 108045.

    14.Xin Xue, Congcong Lin, Fang Wu, Zeyu Li, Juan Liao *. Lattice structures with negative Poisson’s ratio: A review. Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34, 105132

    15.FangWu, Zeyu Li, Congcong Lin, Shaoxiang, Ge, Xin Xue*. Cell-dependent mechanical properties of asymmetric crosslinked metallic wire mesh with hybrid patterns based on arbitrary Poisson’s ratio. Symmetry, 2023, 15, 941.

    16.吴 芳,郑 超,任子林,张 卫,薛 新*.铜-钢丝双螺旋复合金属橡胶动态力学及电学性能[J].稀有金属材料与科学,2023,52(3): 1103-1112.

    17.吴学谦,吴瑞先,熊赟玲子,薛 新*.金属橡胶夹芯柱壳结构高温阻尼减振特性[J].稀有金属材料与科学,2023,52(3):1036-1044.

    18.吴瑞先,阮仕鑫,吴 芳,薛 新,陈小超.金属橡胶粘弹性阻尼迟滞力学与数值模型[J].福州大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 51(1): 83-88.

    19.熊赟玲子,邹路明,李昂熙,薛 新*.辊压工艺参数对平板和套筒金属橡胶动态力学性能的影响[J],机械工程材料,2023,47(6):14-19


    20.Xin Xue, GuojianShen, Xueqian Wu, Yunlinzi Xiong, Juan Liao*, Hongbai Bai. Thermo-mechanical performances of elastic–porous materials with metallic wire mesh structures. Composite Structures. 2022, 297: 115918

    21.Juan Liao, Shaocong Zhou, Xin Xue*. Twist springback and microstructure analysis of PEEK sheets in ultrasonic-assisted thermal incremental forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022. 121, 5269–5282.

    22.XinXue, Yuhan Wei, Fang Wu, Hongbai Bai, Chunhong Lu, Juan Liao*. Fabrication technology and shear failure behaviours of elastic-porous sandwich structure with entangled metallic wire mesh. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 170,108599.  

    23.Yuhan Wei, Ruixian Wu, Luming, Zou, Niuniu Liu, Xin Xue*. Vacuum brazing effect on the interlayer failure behaviors of elastic-porous sandwich structure with entangled metallic wire mesh. Symmetry 2022, 14, 977

    24.Niuniu Liu, Xianliang Lei, Fuqiang Lai*, Xin Xue. Longitudinal wave locally resonant band gaps in metamaterial-based elastic rods comprising multi-degree-of-freedom DAVI resonators, Symmetry 2022, 14, 1030

    25.Luming Zou, Chao Zheng, Zhi Zheng, Feng Hu, Yichuan Shao * and Xin Xue *. Comparison of dynamic performance of an all-metallic vibration isolator by elliptic method and frequency sweeping method.Symmetry 2022,14(10): 2017

    26.Yichuan Shao,* Mingyang Su,Yaoqiang Wei, Jinyu Wang,Yiwan Wu, Xiaochao Chen,Hongbai Bai and Xin Xue*. Effect of heat treatment on the vibration isolation performance of axially symmetric NiTi wire mesh damper. Symmetry 2022, 14(10), 2209

    27.JuanLiao, Nie Zhang, Yuxiang Chen, Xin Xue*. Experimental and numerical investigation of ultrasonic vibration-assisted warm incremental forming of magnesium alloy sheet. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022. 119:4559–4571

    28.Juan Liao, Lixia Zhang, Hongliang Xiang, Xin Xue*. Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet in an ultrasonic vibration-assisted hot tensile test. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 895(1): 162575

    29.薛 新*,吴 芳,郑 超,魏雨函,陈小超,白鸿柏.金属橡胶阻尼软夹芯结构材料研究进展[J].材料导报,2022,36 (22).1-11(EI)

    30.王珊珊,魏雨函,薛 新,吴章斌,白鸿柏.弹性阻尼金属螺旋丝网夹芯结构连接工艺及力学特性[J].复合材料学报,2022,3:1308-1321(EI)

    31.郑 志,任子林,邹路明,廖 娟,薛 新.帽形金属橡胶压缩力学性能及耗能机理.兵器材料科学与工程,2022, 5:14-19


    32.Xin Xue, Xinyong Wu, Juan Liao*. Hot-cracking susceptibility and shear fracture behavior of dissimilar Ti6Al4V/AA6060 alloys in pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding. ChineseJournal of Aeronautics, 2021,34(4): 375-386.

    33.WeiZhang, Xin Xue*, Hongbai Bai. Mechanical and electrical properties of Cu-Steel bimetallic porous composite with a double-helix entangled structure. Composite Structures. 2021,255,112886

    34.Juan Liao, Xiangshou Zeng, Xin Xue*. Surface quality analysis of AZ31B Mg alloy sheet in ultrasonic-assisted warm single-point incremental forming. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 118:1397–1410

    35.Shanshan Chen, Juan Liao*, Hongliang Xiang,Xin Xue, Antonio B. Pereira. Pre-strain effect on twist springback of a 3D P-channel in deep drawing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2021,287,116224.

    36.Guojian Shen, Min Li, Xin Xue*. Damping energy dissipation and parameter identification of the bellows structure covered with elastic-porous metal rubber. Shock and Vibration 2021, 8831099.

    37.廖 娟,陈珊珊,薛 新*,向红亮.DP钢板应变路径多步演变下的弹塑性力学行为[J].固体力学学报,2021,42(1):94-106.

    38.田蒙蒙,孙 凯,廖 娟,薛 新*.热处理对钛铝复合板共挤压界面结合特性的影响[J].材料热处理学报,2021.42(9): 22-28.

    39.廖娟,刘建华,张丽霞,薛 新*.镁合金温渐进成形零件橘皮纹分析[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,52(10):3475-3483(EI)

    40.孙 凯,薛 新*.钛铝复合板横向共挤压翘曲变形分析[J].锻压技术,2021,46(3):56-63

    41.李昂熙,张卫,薛 新*,白鸿柏.车载装配式金属丝网和硅橡胶隔振器性能对比分析.现代制造工程[J],2021. 5: 14-20

    42.任子林,赵旭,薛新*,白鸿柏.金属橡胶阻尼环的剪切力学特性及密度相关性.机械工程材料,2021,45(11): 55-61

    43.薛 新*,阮仕鑫,白鸿柏.基于等效阻尼理论的金属橡胶弹性迟滞力学模型及实验研究[J].实验力学,2021,36(1): 80-90


    44.Xin Xue, Kai Sun, Mengmeng Tian, Juan Liao*. Analysis of forming-induced distortion of dissimilar Ti6Al4V/AA1050 laminate made by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 110:1627–1640

    45.Xin Xue, Shixin Ruan, Hongbai Bai, Xiaochao Chen, Yichuan Shao*, Chunhong Lu,An enhanced constitutive model for the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the elastic-porous metal rubber. Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 148, 103447.

    46.Xin Xue*, Pei Yang, Yi-chuan Shao, Hong-bai Bai,Manufacturetechnology and anisotropic behaviour of elastic-porous metal rubber, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 2020, 3(2), 88-99.

    47.李敏,白鸿柏,薛新*.波纹管金属橡胶包覆结构非线性阻尼特性研究[J].振动与冲击, 2020, 39(22): 119-127(EI)

    48.沈国鉴,李敏,薛 新*.金属波纹管流固耦合动态特性分析与实验研究[J].兵器材料科学与工程,2020,43(5): 36-42.

    49.王珊珊,薛新*,白鸿柏,路纯红.多孔缠绕金属橡胶夹芯复合板三点弯曲力学行为[J].兵器材料科学与工程,2020,43(3): 114-121



    51.Xin Xue*, Shixin Ruan, Angxi Li, Hongbai Bai, Kun Xiao, Nonlinear dynamic modelling of two-point and symmetrically supported pipeline brackets with elastic-porous metal rubber damper, Symmetry-Basel, 2019, 11, 1479; doi:10.3390/sym11121479

    52.Pei Yang, Hongbai Bai, Xin Xue*, Kun Xiao, Xu Zhao, Vibration reliability characterization and damping capability of annular periodic metal rubber in the non-molding direction, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019,132: 622–639.

    53.Xin Xue, António Pereira*, Gabriela Vincze, Xinyong Wu and Juan Liao. Interfacialcharacteristics of dissimilar Ti6Al4V/AA6060 lap joint by pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding. Metals, 2019, 9, 71; doi:10.3390/met9010071

    54.杨佩,白鸿柏,薛新*,赵旭.激振力对金属橡胶组合减振器振动特性的影响[J].兵器材料科学与工程,2019,42(5): 40-46.

    55.李拓,白鸿柏,薛新,吴乙万.高温环境下编织-嵌槽型金属橡胶的疲劳特性分析[J].中国机械工程,2019,30(9): 1009-1017.(EI)


    57.肖坤,白鸿柏,薛新*,吴乙万.金属橡胶包覆阻尼结构的高温耗能特性[J].机械工程材料, 2019, 43(9): 28-32.

    58.肖坤,白鸿柏,薛新*,吴乙万.高温管路包覆金属橡胶耗能特性及参数识别[J].兵器材料科学与工程, 2019, 42(1),11-17.


    59.Kun Xiao, Hongbai Bai, Xin Xue*, Yiwan Wu. Damping characteristics of metal rubber in the pipeline coating system. Shock and Vibration, Volume 2018, Article ID 3974381

    60.Xin Xue,Gabriela Vincze, Antonio B. Pereira, Jianyi Pan, Juan Liao. Assessment of metal flow balance in multi-output porthole hot extrusion of AA6060 thin-walled profile.Metals,2018,8, 462.

    61.Jianyi Pan*, Xin Xue. Numerical investigation of an arc inlet structure extrusion die for large hollow sections. International Journal of Material Forming, 2018, 11: 405–416.

    62.Kenan Wu, Hongbai Bai, Xin Xue*, Tuo Li and Min Li. Energy dissipation characteristics and dynamic modeling of the coated damping structure for metal rubber of bellows. Metals, 2018, 8, 562.

    63.Xin Xue, Juan Liao*, Gabriela Vincze, António B. Pereira. Control strategy of twist springback for aluminium alloy hybrid thin-walled tube after mandrel-rotary draw bending. International Journal of Material Forming, 2018, 11,311-323

    64.薛新,廖娟*.屈服准则对DC05钢板十字拉深变形预测的评价[J].塑性工程学报,2018, 25(4), 217-224.

    65.薛新,廖娟*. DP钢板非线性滞弹性力学行为及对回弹预测的应用研究[J].塑性工程学报,2018, 25(2), 234-239.


    66.Xin Xue, Antonio B. Pereira, Jose Amorim, JuanLiao*. Effects of pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding parameters on penetration and microstructure characterization of a DP1000 steel butt joint. Metals 2017, 7, 292.

    67.Juan Liao, Xin Xue*, Myoung-Gyu Lee**, Frédéric Barlat, Gabriela Vincze, António B. Pereira. Constitutive modeling for path-dependent behaviour and its influence on twist springback. International Journal of Plasticity, 2017, 93: 64-88.

    68.Xin Xue, Juan Liao, Gabriela Vincze, Frederic Barlat. Twist springback characteristics of dual-phase steel sheet after non-axisymmetric deep drawing. International Journal of Material Forming, 2017, 10, 267-278.

    69.J. Liao, J. A. Sousa, A. B. Augusto, X. Xue, F. Barlat, A.B. Pereira. Mechanical, microstructural behavior and modeling of dual phase steels under complex deformation paths. International Journal of Plasticity, 2017, 93:269-290.


    70.Xin Xue, Juan. Liao, Gabriela. Vincze, António B. Pereira, Frederic Barlat. Experimental assessment of nonlinear elastic behaviour of dual-phase steels and application to springback prediction. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 117: 1-15.

    71.X. Xue, J. Liao, G. Vincze, J. A. Sousa, F. Barlat, J. Gracio. Modeling and sensitivity analysis of twist springback in deep drawing of dual phase steel. Materials & Design, 2016, 90, 204-217.


    73.X. Xue, J. Liao, G. Vincze, J. Gracio. Modelling of mandrel rotary draw bending for accurate twist springback prediction of an asymmetric thin-walled tube. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 216, 405-417.

    74.Juan Liao*, Xin Xue, Myoung-Gyu Lee, Frederic Barlat, Jose Gracio. On twist springback prediction of asymmetric tube in rotary draw bending with different constitutive models. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 89, 311-322.

    75.Juan Liao, Xin Xue, Chi Zhou, Frederic Barlat and Jose Gracio. A semi-analytic model to predict and compensate springback in the 3D stretch bending process. Steel Research International, 2014, V85(4), 697-709.

    76.Juan Liao, Xin Xue, Chi Zhou, Frederic Barlat and Jose Gracio. A springback compensation strategy and applications to bending cases. Steel Research International, 2013, V84(5): 463-472.


    1.薛 新.金属橡胶复合材料制备及力学性能表征研究. 2023中国(昆明)复合材料力学与性能结构优化论坛,昆明,2023.11.10-12.

    2.Chao Zheng, Jun Wu, Xin Xue.Optimization of dynamic performance for a 6-DOF all-metal vibration isolator. The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical System Dynamics,北京,2023.9.1-5

    3.薛 新.金属橡胶材料精密成形制备及数字化表征技术研究.2023年高端装备精密成形制造技术协同创新大会.山西太原,2023. 7.20-07.22.

    4.Yilin Chen,Feng Hu,Xiaochao Chen, Xin Xue*.Heat transfer analysis and thermo-mechanical property of M-shape metal-rubber at high-temperature.Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2639 (2023) 01203,中国材料大会2023,深圳,2023.7.07-10

    5.Zeyu Li,Feng Hu, Congcong Lin,Xin Xue*.Compression performance and low frequency damping characteristics of pyramidal lattice cylinder skeleton structure.Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2639 (2023) 012027,中国材料大会2023,深圳,2023.7.07-10

    6.薛 新.金属橡胶材料研究进展及减隔振工程应用.第三十届全国振动与噪声高技术应用学术会议.西安,2023. 6.29-07.02.(特邀报告)

    7.薛 新.弹性多孔金属橡胶软夹芯结构材料研究进展.首届交叉力学前沿研究论坛.江苏南京,2023.4.21-23.

    8.薛 新.金属橡胶弹性多孔材料成形制备、性能表征及减隔振应用研究.2021军民两用降噪减振吸能新材料与技术论坛邀请报告,江苏扬州,2021.1.21.

    9.Xue, Xin, Wei Zhang, and Hongbai Bai. Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Elastic-Porous Composite with Cu-Steel Bimetallic Wire Mesh. Chinese Materials Conference 2020. Materials Science Forum 1035: 863–869.(EI)

    10.薛 新.金属橡胶复合材料成形制备、性能表征及工程应用研究.2020年第十四届泛珠三角塑性工程(锻压)学术年会邀请报告,江西南昌,2020.12.04.

    11.Xin Xue*, Pei Yang, Yi-chuan Shao, Hong-bai Bai,Manufacture technology and anisotropic behaviour of elastic-porous metal rubber. International Conference on Lightweight Materials and Manufacturing (LMM2019), 9-12 October 2019, Changsha, China. (最佳论文奖)

    12.薛新,白鸿柏,吴克南,李敏.波纹管金属橡胶阻尼包覆结构耗能特性与动力学建模. 2018年全国固体力学学术会议,2018.11.23-25,哈尔滨。

    13.X. Xue, G. Vincze, A. B. Pereira, J. Liao, J.Y. Pan.Role of die structures on metal flow balance in multi-output porthole extrusion of thin-walled profile.17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Metal Forming 2018, 16-19 September 2018, Toyohashi, Japan (CPCI收录)

    14.X. Xue, A. B. Pereira,G. Vincze, J. AmorimandJ. Liao.Micro-hardness characteristics of DP1000 steel butt joint by pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding.7th International Conference on Welding Science and Engineering (WSE & CAWE 2017). Oct. 18-20, Jinan, China.

    15.X. Xue, J. Liao, G. Vincze, A. B. Pereira. Experimental validation of numerical model for asymmetric deep drawing of DP780 steel sheet using digital image correlation. The 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2016). Sep.4-9, Bristol, UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (EI收录)

    16.Xin Xue, Juan Liao, Gabriela Vincze, António B. Pereira. Control strategy of twist springback for an asymmetric thin-walled tube subjected to rotary draw bending. Proceeding of First International Conference and Workshop on Mechanical Engineering Research (RTME2016), pp77-82. 11-13th July 2016, Aveiro, Portugal.

    17.Xin Xue, Juan Liao and Gabriela Vincze. Assessment of Anisotropic Yield Criterion for Strain Prediction in Non-axisymmetric Deep Drawing of Dual-phase Steel. Proceeding of International Conference of Advanced High Strength Steel and Press Hardening (ICHSU2015), pp365-370. Oct. 15-18, 2015, Changsha, China.

    18.Xin Xue, Gabriela Vincze, Jianyi Pan, Juan Liao, Antonio Pereira, Joaquim Damas. Thermo-mechanical modeling of porthole hot extrusion for a thin-walled hollow aluminum profile. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Computing Techniques and Mechanical Engineering (ICCTME2015), pp44-48. Oct. 01-03, Phuket, Thailand.

    19.Juan Liao, Xue Xin*, Experimental investigation of deep drawing of C-rail benchmark using various lubricants. MATEC Web of Conferences, v21, 2015, 04011, The 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT2015), Aug. 6-9th. Glasgow, Scotland, UK(EI收录)

    20.Xin Xue, Juan Liao, Gabriela Vincze. Benchmark report: Strain Prediction Benchmark – Cross Die (DC05), the 8th Forming Technology Forum (FTF2015), Benchmark report, July 01st, 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.

    21.Xin Xue, Juan Liao, Gabriela Vincze, Frédéric Barlat. Twist springback characteristics in C-rail of dual-phase steel sheet after deep drawing. Proceeding of the 34th International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG2015), pp511-521. 31st May-3rd June, Shanghai, China.

    22.X. Xue, J. Liao, G. Vincze, J. Gracio. Twist springback of asymmetric thin-walled tube in mandrel rotary draw bending process. The 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2014), 19-24 Oct., Nagoya, Japan. Procedia Engineering, v81, 2177-2183.(EI收录)

    23.Xin Xue, Juan Liao, Gabriela Vincze, Jose J Gracio. Optimization of an Asymmetric Thin-walled Tube in Rotary Draw Bending Process. The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET 2014). Jan.6-10, Melbourne, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc., 1567: 1111-1116. doi: 10.1063/1.4850165. (CPCI收录)

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