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    中国福建省福州市大学新区学园路2号十三水-十三水下载 邮编:350108

    Email:[email protected]


    钟舜聪,二级教授,英国曼彻斯特大学博士、英国帝国理工等大学博士后,2010年6月从海外引进回国,现任十三水-十三水下载 院长、校人事处处长等职。近年来,先后入选国家级领军人才、国家百千万人才工程、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、国务院政府特殊津贴专家、福建省高层次A类人才、福建省高层次引进创新人才、英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow)、国际状态监测学会会士(ISCM Fellow)、国际声学与振动学会会士(IIAV Fellow)、全球前2%顶尖科学家(终身科学影响力排行榜)。担任福建省机械工程学会副理事长、福建省力学学会副理事长、福建省机械工程学会无损检测分会理事长、中国振动工程学会理事/故障诊断专委会委员、中国机械工程学会设备智能运维分会常务委员等;担任《机械工程学报》等杂志编委、装备设计制造国家级实验教学示范中心主任、福建省太赫兹功能器件与智能传感重点实验室主任。

    长期致力于智能传感与诊断、光学和太赫兹仪器、无损检测和定量评价、精密仪器与智能测控等方面的研究。先后在MSSP、IEEE Trans.等发表论文270余篇(其中SCI收录140余篇,多篇ESI高被引论文),出版英文专著4部(其中1部获国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助)、获授权国家发明专利70余件、美国专利1件、英国专利1件和软著13件;制定国际、国家、地方和团体标准6件。获得省部级科技奖5项(其中一等奖2项,排名第一)、福建省高等教育教学成果特等奖(排名第一)。获国家基金委工材学部机械设计与制造学科十大优秀结题项目。获卢嘉锡优秀导师奖、宝钢优秀教师、福建省优秀创新创业导师、“福建省优秀博士学位论文”指导教师、中国机械工程学会“上银优秀机械博士论文奖”指导教师等


    2010年6月至今: 十三水-十三水下载 ,院长(2019年5月起)






    2008年01月至2008年10月:上海交通大学机械与动力工程十三水 ,讲师





    1999年09月至2002年01月:汕头大学机械电子工程系,硕士研究生 (广东省“南粤优秀研究生”、优秀毕业研究生,全系第一)




    国际状态监测学会,会士(ISCM Fellow)

    国际声学与振动学会,会士(IIAV Fellow)
































    15)国家自然科学基金,主持,“多层结构蠕变和微裂纹扩展行为的无损检测和定量评价”, 2011-13,结题(优秀)



























    1)Y. Huang, S. Zhong, et. al., Substrate-free Terahertz Metamaterial Sensors with Customizable Configuration and High Performance,Advanced Optical Materials, 2025

    2)T Lin, Q Zeng, Y Huang, S Zhong,et. al.,Femtosecond laser direct writing wedge metallic microcavities for terahertz sensing,Optics & Laser Technology, 2025180, 111434

    3)Y Huang, R Yuan, S Zhong,et. al.,V-shaped Metasurface Induced Tightly Confined SSPP for Terahertz Sensing Enhancement,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024

    4)Y. Zhong, Y. Huang, S. Zhong, et. al., An ultra-broadband frequency-agile terahertz perfect absorber with perturbed MoS2 plasmon modes,Nanoscale, 2024

    5)T Lin, Y Huang, S Zhong, et. al., Passive trapping of biomolecules in hotspots with all-dielectric terahertz metamaterials,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024

    6)L Chen, W Liang, S Zhong, et. al., Novel contactless torque sensor based on optical coherence,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 174: 107983, 2024

    7)J Zhong, C Lin, Y Gao, J Zhong, S Zhong,Fault diagnosis of rolling bearings under variable conditions based on unsupervised domain adaptation method,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2024:215, 111430

    8)W Liang, X Li, S Zhong,et. al.,Three-dimensional micro-force measurement method based on broadband optical coherence,Measurement, 2024:234, 114845

    9)Y Huang, D Liu, J Zhong, S Zhong,Radial vibration measurement of rotating shaft using constant density fringe pattern and line scan camera, 2024,Measurement Science and Technology,35 (8), 085016

    10)Y Huang , Y Lan , S Zhonget. al., Design of Tunable Dual-band Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber with Liquid Crystal Integrated on-chip,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2024

    11)C Zhao, B Wang, X Lin, F Yu, C Guan, S Zhong, In‐situ strain evolution mechanisms within a prestressed carbon composite,Polymer Composites, 2024,45 (12):10826-10838

    12)Q Zeng, Y Huang, S Zhong, et.al., Manipulating multiple plasmon modes by coupling fields for broadband filtering in terahertz metamaterials,Optics & Laser Technology,168, 109981, 2024

    13)Y Huang, Y Deng, J Lin, Q Zhang, S Zhong,Wavenumber calibration and dispersion compensation for Fourier domain optical coherence tomography by parameterized instantaneous frequency estimation method,Optics & Laser Technology,174, 110640, 2024

    14)S.Zhong, L. Chen, W. Liang, Contactless torque sensors based on optical methods: A review,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 173: 107832, 2024

    15)J Li, S Zeng, Q Guo, S Zhong, W Liang, W He,Modeling of a six-degree-of-freedom magnetic levitation platform actuated by noncontact Lorentz forces,Journal of Vibration and Control,2024,10775463241273035

    16)C Zhao, X Lin, B Wang, J Zhu, C Guan, S Zhong, A multistable composite hinge structure,Thin-Walled Structures, 2024

    17)X Chen, D Du, B Wang, S Jiang, C Guan, S Zhong,High-cycle folding fatigue mechanics of a bistable composite tape-spring,Materials Letters, 2024,368, 136697

    18)M Luo, S Zhong, Y Huang, Z Zhang, W Nsengiyumva, W Tu,Experimental study of a thin thermally grown oxide layer in thermal barrier coatings based on the SWT-BP algorithm and terahertz technology,Applied Optics, 2024,63 (13), 3430-3437

    19)B Wang, J Zhu, S Zhong, W Liang, C Guan, Space deployable mechanics: A review of structures and smart driving,Materials & Design, 2023

    20)W Nsengiyumva, S Zhong, X Chen, AM Makin, L Chen, L Wu, L Zheng,Toward tailoring the mechanical and dielectric properties of short glass fiber‐reinforced epoxy composites,Polymer Composites, 45 (1), 535-554, 2024

    21)C Guan, L Zhan, F Sun, S Yao, S Zhong, B Wang, Study on the heating mechanism and macro/micro properties of composite materials under microwave curing,Polymer Composites, 45 (2), 1405-1421, 2024

    22)W Nsengiyumva, S Zhong*, et. al., Sensing and non-destructive testing applications of terahertz spectroscopy and imaging systems: State-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2023

    23)Z Ouyang, W Liang, X Yang, J Guo, Z Lai, J Lin, Q Zhang, S Zhong, High-sensitivity weighing sensor based on broadband optical coherence displacement measurement of a dual-beam elastic element,Measurement,216, 112922, 2023

    24)W Tu, S Zhong, Q Zhang, Y Huang, Rapid diagnosis of corrosion beneath epoxy protective coating using non-contact THz-TDS technique,Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 1-16, 2023

    25)Z Lai, Z Ouyang, S Zhong, W Liang, X Yang, J Lin, Q Zhang, J Li, Dynamic Characterization of Optical Coherence-Based Displacement-Type Weight Sensor,Sensors, 23 (21), 8911, 2023

    26)W Nsengiyumva, S Zhong*, M Luo, B Wang, Terahertz Spectroscopic Characterization and Thickness Evaluation of Internal Delamination Defects in GFRP Composites,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 36 (1), 1-21

    27)Y Yang, Z Ren, C Zhou, Y Lin, L Hou, L Shi, S Zhong,3D‐Printed Robust Dual Superlyophobic Ti‐Based Porous Structure for Switchable Oil/Water Emulsion Separations,Advanced Functional Materials, 2023,2212262

    28)W Tu, S Zhong, Q Zhang, Y Shen, A Incecik, Quality evaluation of organic protective paints using terahertz pulse imaging technology based on wavelet packet energy method,Ocean Engineering, 2023, 267, 113282

    29)H Chen, F Yu, B Wang, C Zhao, X Chen, W Nsengiyumva, S Zhong, Elastic Fibre Prestressing Mechanics within a Polymeric Matrix Composite,Polymers, 2023, 15 (2), 431

    30)Y Chen, D Li, Y Liu, L Hu, Y Qi, Y Huang, Z Zhang, T Chen, C Wang, S Zhong, J Ding,Optimal frequency determination for terahertz technology‐based detection of colitis‐related cancer in mice,Journal of Biophotonics, 2023

    31)C Guan, T Chi, L Zhan, J Chen, B Wang, L Xie, S Zhong, Analysis of Deformation and Properties of Composite Melon Petals via Vibration Pretreatment—Microwave Compound Curing,Polymers, 15 (23), 4541, 2023

    32)W Liang, Z Chen, J Zhong, H Liao, S Zhong, Multi-feature fusion-based TCA-WKNN cross-sensor fault diagnosis method for dynamic weighing,Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 35(1): 015132

    33)Y Deng, S Zhong, et. al., Thickness measurement of self-lubricating fabric liner of inner ring of sliding bearings using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography,Coating, 13 (4), 708, 2023

    34)G Guo, S Zhong, Q Zhang, J Zhong, D Liu, Effect of Additional Mass on Natural Frequencies of Weight-Sensing Structures,Sensors, 23 (17), 7585, 2023

    35)J Zhong, D Liu, S Chi, Z Tu, S Zhong, Vision-based fringe projection measurement system for radial vibration monitoring of rotating shafts,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2022, 181, 109467

    36)X Chen, S Chi, Y Lin, J Zhong, S Zhong, Y Zhang, J Zhong, Modal analysis of beam-like structures using multipoint dynamic testing vision system based on composite fringe pattern,Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 34 (1), 015002

    37)T Lin, Y Huang, S Zhong, Y Zhong, Z Zhang, Q Zeng, Y Yu, Z Peng, Field manipulation of electromagnetically induced transparency analogue in terahertz metamaterials for enhancing liquid sensing,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022, 157, 107127

    38)Z Zhang, Y Huang, S Zhong, T Lin, Y Zhong, Q Zeng, W Nsengiyumva, Y Yu, Z Peng, Time of flight improved thermally grown oxide thickness measurement with terahertz spectroscopy,Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 17 (4), 49

    39)Y Zhong, Y Huang, S Zhong, T Lin, Z Zhang, Q Zeng, L Yao, Y Yu, Z Peng, Tamm plasmon polaritons induced active terahertz ultra-narrowband absorbing with MoS2,Optics & Laser Technology, 2022, 156, 108581

    40)J Zhong, D Liu, S Wu, S Li, S Zhong, W Liang, Three-dimensional translation vibration measurement system based on linear array sensor and composite fringe pattern,Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 33 (9), 095901

    41)C Yang, B Wang, S Zhong, C Zhao, W Liang, On tailoring deployable mechanism of a bistable composite tape-spring structure,Composites Communications,2022, 32, 101171

    42)JLin, S Zhong*, Q Zhang, J Zhong, W Nsengiyumva, Z Peng, Swept-Source Optical Coherence Vibrometer: Principle and Applications,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2022

    43)W Nsengiyumva, S Zhong*, J Lin, Q Zhang, J Zhong, Y Huang, Advances, limitations and prospects of nondestructive testing and evaluation of thick composites and sandwich structures: A state-of-the-art review,Composite Structures,2021, 256, 112951

    44)Z Ren, L Shen, H Bai, L Pan, S Zhong*, Constitutive model of disordered grid interpenetrating structure of flexible microporous metal rubber,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 154, 107567

    45)Hongwen Zhang, Pu Zhang, Jiwu Zhao, Yuan Liu, Yi Huang, Haowei Huang, Chen Yang, Yibo Zhao, Kaifeng Wu, Xianliang Fu, Shengye Jin, Yidong Hou, Zhengxin Ding, Rusheng Yuan, Maarten BJ Roeffaers, Shuncong Zhong*, Jinlin Long*,The Hole‐Tunneling Heterojunction of Hematite‐Based Photoanodes Accelerates Photosynthetic Reaction,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60,16009–16018

    46)W Nsengiyumva, S Zhong*, M Luo, Q Zhang, J Lin,Critical insights into the state‐of‐the‐art NDE data fusion techniques for the inspection of structural systems,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2021, e2857

    47)Walter Nsengiyumva, Shuncong Zhong*, Bing Wang1 Longhui Zheng, Zhenhao Zhang, Qiukun Zhang, Jianfeng Zhong, Manting Luo, Zhike Peng, Terahertz spectroscopic study of optical and dielectric properties of typical electrical insulation materials,Optical Materials,2021

    48)H Yao, H Mei, W Zhang, S Zhong, X Wang, Theoretical and Experimental Research on Terahertz Metamaterial Sensor With Flexible Substrate,IEEE Photonics Journal, 2021, 14 (1), 1-9

    49)Y Zhong, Y Huang, S Zhong*, T Lin, M Luo, Y Shen, J Ding, Tunable terahertz broadband absorber based on MoS2 ring-cross array structure,Optical Materials,2021,114, 110996

    50)W Tu, S Zhong, M Luo, Q Zhang, Non-Destructive Evaluation of Hidden Defects Beneath the Multilayer Organic Protective Coatings Based on Terahertz Technology,Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9, 304

    51)G Zhu, F Huang, Z Dai, X Ju, S Zhong, X Wang, Reverse design of on-chip terahertz demultiplexers,Micromachines, 2021, 12 (9), 1093

    52)T Lin, Y Huang, S Zhong, M Luo, Y Zhong, Y Yu, J Ding, Sensing Enhancement of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Effect in Terahertz Metamaterial by Substrate Etching,Frontiers in Physics,9, 216

    53)N. Zhou, S Zhong*, et al., Acoustic-excitation Optical Coherence Vibrometer for Real-time Microstructure Vibration Measurement and Modal Analysis,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2020, 69(9), 7180 - 7190

    54)B. Fang, S Zhong*, et al., Full range line-field optical coherence tomography for high-accuracy measurements of optical lens,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2020, 67(6), 1434 - 1445

    55)Y. Huang, S. Zhong*, et al., Terahertz Plasmonic Phase-Jump Manipulator for Liquid Sensing,Nanophotonics, 2020, 9(9), 3011–3021

    56)Q Zhang, S Zhong*, et al., Full-range Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography based on Mach–Zehnder interferometer,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 124, 105794

    57)M Luo, S Zhong*, L Yao, W Tu, W Nsengiyumva, W Chen,Thin thermally grown oxide thickness detection in thermal barrier coatings based on SWT-BP neural network algorithm and terahertz technology,Applied optics59 (13), 4097-4104

    58)Q. Zhang, S Zhong*, et al., Anti-noise frequency estimation performance of Hanning-windowed energy centrobaric method for optical coherence velocimeter,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134, 106250

    59)Y Huang, S Zhong*, T Shi, YC Shen, D Cui, HR-Si prism coupled tightly confined spoof surface plasmon polaritons mode for terahertz sensing,Optics Express,2019, 27 (23), 34067-34078

    60)Y. Huang, S. Zhong*, et al., Trapping waves with tunable prism-coupling terahertz metasurfaces absorber,Optics Express,2019, 27 (18), 25647-25655.

    61)Q Zhang, S Zhong*, J Lin, J Zhong, Y Yu, Z Peng, S Cheng, High-performance optical coherence velocimeter: theory and applications,Optics Express27 (2), 965-979, 2019

    62)J Zhong, S Zhong*, Q Zhang, S Liu, Z Peng, N Maia, Real-time three-dimensional vibration monitoring of rotating shafts using constant-density sinusoidal fringe pattern as tri-axial sensor,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing115, 132-146, 2019

    63)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Yao–chun Shen, Yingjie Yu, and Daxiang Cui,Terahertz phase jumps for ultra-sensitive graphene plasmon sensing,Nanoscale, 10 (47), 22466-22473, 2018

    64)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Nuno Maia, Yaochun Shen, Shulin Liu, Yingjie Yu, and Zhike Peng, Vision-based system for simultaneous montoring of shaft rotational speed and axial vibration using non-projection composite fringe pattern,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 120, 765-776, 2019

    65)J Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Q Zhang, Z Peng, Measurement of instantaneous rotational speed using double-sine-varying-density fringe pattern,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing103, 117-130, 2018

    66)Q Zhang, Shuncong Zhong*, J Zhong, X Fu, Ultrahigh-Accuracy Measurement of Refractive Index Curves of Optical Materials using Interferometry Technology,Measurement, 122, 40-44, 2018

    67)W Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, A Incecik, X Fu, Defect feature extraction of marine protective coatings by terahertz pulsed imaging,Ocean Engineering, 173, 58-67, 2019

    68)S Zhong, Progress in terahertz nondestructive testing: A review,Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering,14(3), 273–281, 2019

    69)Jiewen Lin, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Weiqiang Chen, Five-frame Variable Phase-shifting Method for Full-Range Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(9), 1580

    70)M Luo, S Zhong, Non-Contact Measurement of Small-Module Gears Using Optical Coherence Tomography,Applied Sciences8 (12), 2490, 2018

    71)Y Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Y Shen, L Yao, Y Yu, D Cui, Graphene/Insulator Stack Based Ultrasensitive Terahertz Sensor with Surface Plasmon Resonance,IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (6), 1-11, 2017

    72)Yi Huang, Shuncong Zhong*, Haizi Yao, and Daxiang Cui, Tunable Terahertz Plasmonic Sensor Based on Graphene/Insulator Stacks,IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (1), 1-10, 2017

    73)Shuncong Zhong*, J. Zhong, Q.Zhang, N. Maia, Quasi-optical coherence vibration tomography technique for damage detection in beam-like structures based on auxiliary mass induced frequency shift,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 93, 241-254, 2017

    74)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*,Qiukun Zhang,Quasi‐OCVT technique for response‐only experimental modalanalysis of beam‐like structures,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 24 (11), 2017

    75)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, H Yi, D Cui, CL Pan, Handedness-Switchable Optical Chirality in One-Dimensional Periodic Plasmonic-Grooves for Circular Dichroism and Simultaneous Refractive Index Sensing,IEEE Photonics Journal9 (3), 1-9, 2017

    76)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Handedness-switchable chiral field in the one-dimensional metal grooves for plasmonic circular dichroism spectroscopy”,Journal of Optics, 19 (5), 055001, 2017

    77)Y Lin, H Yao, X Ju, Y Chen, S Zhong, X Wang,Free-standing double-layer terahertz band-pass filters fabricated by femtosecond laser micro-machining,Optics Express25 (21), 25125-25134, 2017

    78)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang,Two-dimensional optical coherence vibration tomography for low-frequency vibration measurement and response-only modal analysis,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 79, 65-71, 2016

    79)J. Zhong, Shuncong Zhong* et al., Vibration monitoring using non-projection quasi-interferogram fringe density enhanced by spectrum correction method,  Measurement Science and Technology, 28(1):015903 , 2016

    80)Wanli Tu, Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen1, and Atilla Incecik, Nondestructive Testing of Marine Protective Coatings Using Terahertz Waves with Stationary Wavelet Transform,Ocean Engineering, 111, 582-592,2016

    81)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*,Wideband circularly polarized vortex surface modes on helically grooved metal wires,IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (6), 1-7, 2015

    82)Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang, Subnanoscale-displacement-resolution Calibration of Piezoelectric Actuators using Enhanced Optical Coherence Tomography,Sensors and Actuators A: physical, 233,42-46,2015

    83)H Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, W Tu,Performance analysis of higher mode spoof surface plasmon polariton for terahertz sensing,Journal of Applied Physics117 (13), 133104, 2015

    84)Jianfeng Zhong, Shuncong Zhong*, Qiukun Zhang,“Two-dimensionalopticalcoherencetomography for real-timestructuraldynamical characterization”,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,66, 74-79,2015

    85)H. Lin, R. May, M. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, L. Gladden, Y. Shen, J. Zeitler, Impact of Processing Conditions on Inter-tablet Coating Thickness Variations Measured by Terahertz In-Line Sensing,Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 104(8), 2513-22, 2015

    86)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, Higher-order mode spoof SPP ofperiodicgrooves for high sensitive terahertz sensing,Optics Express,2014, 22(21): 25149-25160.

    87)Wanli Tu,Shuncong Zhong*, Yaochun Shen, Qing Zhou and Ligang Yao,FDTD-Based Quantitative Analysisof Terahertz Wave Detection for MultilayeredStructures,Journal of the Optical Society of America A,31(10), 2285-2293 (2014)

    88)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*,“Plasmonic corrugated cylinder-cone terahertz probe”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(8),1856-1860, 2014

    89)Haizi Yao, Shuncong Zhong*, “Frequency dependent circular-polarization of terahertz chiral spoof surface plasmon polariton on helically grooved metallic wire”,Optics Communications, 2015

    90)Shuncong Zhong, Y.Shen, L. Ho, R. May, J. Zeitler, M. Evans, P. Taday, M. Pepper, T. Rades, K. Gordon, R. Muller, and P. Kleinebudde, “Nondestructive quantification of pharmaceutical tablet coatings using terahertz pulsed imaging and optical coherence tomography”,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(3), 361-365, 2011.

    91)Shuncong Zhong, Hao Shen, and Yaochun Shen, “Real-time monitoring of structural vibration using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography”,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(1), 127-131, 2011.

    92)R.K. May, M. J. Evans, Shuncong Zhong, I. Warr, L.F. Gladden, Y.C. Shen and J.A. Zeitler, Terahertz in-line sensor for direct coating thickness measurement of individual tablets during film coating in real-time,Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100(4), 1535-1544, 2011

    93)R.K. May, K. Su, L. Han, Shuncong Zhong, J. A. Elliott, L. F. Gladden, M. Evans, Y. C. Shen, and J. A. Zeitler, Hardness and Density Distributions of Pharmaceutical Tablets Measured by Terahertz Pulsed Imaging,Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences(DOI: 10.1002/jps.23560)

    94)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Crack sensitivity analysis of sampling interval for damage detection by wavelet transform”,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20(1), 2013

    95)Shuncong Zhong, S. O. Oyadiji, “Detection of cracks in simply-supported beams by continuous wavelet transform of reconstructed modal data”,Computers and Structures, 89,127-148, 2011.

    96)Shuncong Zhong, S.O.Oyadiji, “Crack Detection in Simply Supported Beams using Stationary Wavelet Transform of Modal Data”,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 18(2), 169-190, 2011.

    97)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Analytical predictions of natural frequencies of cracked beams with a traversing auxiliary mass”,Journal of Sound and vibration, 311, 328-352, 2008

    98)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “ Response-only method for damage detection of beam-like structures using high accuracy frequencies”,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 311, 1075-1099, 2008

    99)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Identification of cracks in beams with auxiliary mass spatial probing by stationary wavelet transform”,Trans. of ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 30, 1-14, 2008

    100)Shuncong Zhong, S Olutunde Oyadiji, “Crack detection in simply-supported beams without modal parameter using stationary wavelet transform”,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21(4) , 1853-1884, 2007





    105)钟剑锋,钟舜聪,彭志科.位感条纹三维振动测量原理及试验研究[J].机械工程学报,2019, 55(14): 19-29.

    106)徐帖,钟剑锋,钟舜聪*,张秋坤,彭志科,等.基于视觉位感条纹的转轴裂纹缺陷检测[J].机械工程学报, 2022, 58(20): 304-311.

    107)邹栋,钟舜聪*,等.城轨交通弓网系统异常磨损现状分析与防治技术研究[J].机械工程学报, 2023, 59(10): 152-178.

    108)徐亚飞,王星雨,钟舜聪,张留洋,陈雪峰.基于稀疏表示的叶片热障涂层太赫兹检测回波信号定位分离方法[J].机械工程学报, 2023, 59(8): 9-19.

    109)曾秋铭,黄异,钟舜聪,等,飞秒激光直写高Q值太赫兹柔性金属超材料,机械工程学报, 2024,录用.

    110)张平,钟舜聪*,张秋坤,等.热障涂层折射率与厚度的太赫兹无损检测[J].机械工程学报, 2021, 57(20): 47-56.


    S. Zhong,W Nsengiyumva, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures, Springer出版社和科学出版社联合出版,2024(获国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助)
























